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   WHO AM I?  

My name is Shandon Palmer. I was born on June 17th, 1997. I am 17 years old, and have animated for well over 8 years. I recently discovered Mine-imator and have been using it for this series.

My first taste of animating was using the program Pivot Animator. This was my first ever experience with animation, and I became inspired by various animators. I initally wanted to be a comedic animator, which was in the shadow of PivotMasterDX. The most well known animator. I then came across the site Droidz and started making content. Even if not animating, it would be content of some kind. I was proud of these feats even if they were just stick figures.


My persuit to animate eventually dried up, and I lost interest. Until I came across Mine-imator during it's 0.6.2 stages by the youtube user GameChap. During this time I was very interested into Minecraft and it appealed to me. Then I used the program and things were very simple to use. It felt comfortable to move things, and it got better during 0.7 beta. I kept making animations, even if those were silly too. I concieved the idea for a story-based animation. Something episodic. This was where I came up with Edyson, but in the wrong series. The series started out as Dusted, but that fell through. A desert wasteland would be hard to achieve during the time of the program's limitations.


I thought of something easier yet challenging to work with. Something unusual yet appealing. I then thought of Chernobyl, which seemed like an odd place for an apocalypse. I liked the idea since it was just ready for opportunity.


Work started on the series after 1.0.0 was released. It was just me, my program, and my imagination. It's taken me this far and I haven't stopped since.

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